
God bless you and your family

第一次寫信給他,對一個四歲半的海地男孩要寫些什麼呢? 送蠟筆畫冊給他吧,希望黑壯壯在童年歲月裡,仍然可以自由揮灑色彩,就當是我這個台灣媽的小小心願吧!用德慧阿姨送的兩隻斑馬鉛筆學寫字,期待有朝一日看到黑壯壯親筆寫給台灣媽的信。


Dear Sponsor,

I'm happy to write you this letter on behalf of your sponsored child who can't do it. Here is what he says:
How are you and your family? My family and I are fine thanks to God.
I thank you for the postal card and for all the things you've sent for me: notebook, game, pencils and oil pastels.
I love you very much and I think about you often. I go to school regularly thanks to you support to the project. I ask you to pray for my family and I may God bless you.

Written by the case worker
