

支助黑壯壯滿一年了,去年底趁著黑壯壯生日以及聖誕節,寄了小小禮金給他,很實際的祝福。黑壯壯原本應是天真無邪的雙眼,卻傳遞出靦腆的氣質,應該是個貼心的小孩。手上拿著媽媽買給他的新衣服、西裝鞋,很正式的穿著吧,是讓黑壯壯上教堂的時候穿的嗎? 他的信總是很客氣很禮貌,願神祝福我,我也同樣祝福黑壯壯和家人!平安喜樂!

Dear sponsor,

I am pleased to write you this letter on behalf of your sponsored child. Here is what he say's:

How are you and your family? My family and I are fine in the name of good. I thank you hearlily cause you have thought about me and for the $57 us you've sent me. With the money my mother bought a nice pair of shoes and clothes, and the rest has been used for the needs of the family. I think I'll become a prepared man thanks to your support to the project.
May the Lord bless you forever.

Augustin Wawens